Low back pain, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Low back pain and a serious disease of the spine, as it can cause serious discomfort I drive un destinations of complications. For this reason, must be promptly and properly treated. This can be done at home with the help of medications, folk remedies, physical education and physiotherapy. All treatment measures must be approved by the technician, otherwise there is a risk of complications.

And What osteochondrosis

what is osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis — degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine (DSP ), which leads to the disruption of The structure of the tissue of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. This causes a decrease of the elasticity and the shape of change. This significantly decreases the space between the vertebrae and the instability of the spinal column in this place.

En pathological destruction of tissue and pinched nerve endings that emanate from the spinal cord, which leads to a constant tension of the dorsal muscles. In this context, there is no pain and other characteristic symptoms. Clinical signs for a change can according to the segment that has suffered the degenerative disorders. Assign chondrosis of the vertebral column following departments:

  • cervical;
  • chest;
  • lumbar.

If the process that affects several pathological segments, osteochondrosis as polysegmental. Marta disorders complicated to have the symptoms and the diagnosis of the disease much more difficult, as it can affect areas both near and away from one another. For example, the cervical osteochondrosis lumbosacral I.

There are 4 stages of osteochondrosis:

  1. First. It is characterized disturbances to primary in the region of the intervertebral disc. Usually this stage the cartilage surrounding vertebrae, covered with cracks. As a result, starts the reduction of the settlement between the clubs.
  2. Second. Broken the annulus and reduced, so that the ligaments muscles of the spine begin to play with the easy money I se l l against one another. In this stage, a person primer can show the pain syndrome paroxysmal character. The second stage leads to the formacio of the instability of the vertebrae.
  3. Third. Wipes away the cartilaginous pads between the clubs. Thinning is detected during the completion of the radiography, and the symptoms are manifested, has UN-intensive character. In this stage, the pain can only be eliminated by the use of hard drugs.
  4. Fourth. Spinal Excessive instability, since they formed bony outgrowths — osteophytes. Were damaging the nerve roots. Normally, in this stage the symptoms a few abates, but un-seasonal (exacerbation photos is in the spring and fall).

Psychosomatics degenerative disc disease

Psychosomatic causes of disease – in a new direction in the research of prior conditions for its formacio. Psychosomatic implies the influence of psychological factors on the development and course of physical disease. The connection between the physical and mental, I was very fit, seemingly healthy person can suffer from regular pain. Osteochondrosis not there are some people are to the causes of detected targets for the disease, but continues to progress.

The fins of the un, 30% of patients of records of original works of art of a visit to the doctor indicate problems, such as:

  • Constant Tension;
  • Chronic experiences;
  • Nervous strain;
  • Problems in the family;
  • Conflicts;
  • The collapse of the moral.
psychosomatics degenerative disc disease

In this case, psychosomatics in the syndrome of lesions of the spine you can clearly see the person "bends" under the weight of problems, which negatively affects the spine. If pathology has similar causes, treatment of degenerative disc disease would be difficult, drugs in general don't help. Exacerbation of the disease that occur during a new wave of stress, and the physical reasons for them.

Psychosomatics particularly affects often the cervical spine, but the pain can be wandering around the spine. Treatment of degenerative disc disease should start with the research and treat the psychological problems under the supervision of UN to a therapist.

The causes of osteochondrosis

The main factor for the development of osteoarthritis and an uneven load on the spine.

Because of the common irregular (patchy) distribution of the load on the spine are:

  • the habit of carrying a bag on the shoulder or in a hand
  • incorrect posture in sitting position,
  • a sleep on too soft mattress
  • sleep on a pillow high
  • wearing anatomically wrong type of shoes.

Additional risk factors include:

  • inactivity of the physical (sedentary lifestyle),
  • the presence of excess weight
  • an injury to the back,
  • the injuries of the lower extremities,
  • walk plan
  • any other disorders of the musculoskeletal system,
  • age-related degenerative processes of the spine, for which s worse the blood supply of the vertebral column.

The stages of development of osteochondrosis

Development of low back pain, always goes through four stages:

the stages of development of osteochondrosis
  • The first stage is characterized by the appearance of the pathology in the nucleus of the intervertebral disc. Due to the load unnatural begins UN process of dehydration (dehydration) of the nucleus, which reduces the"height of the intervertebral disc appearance and l d cracks in the ring fibrous.
  • During the second phase of the disease physical discomfort physical exist in the form of pain, especially in certain types of loads, movements and corporals positions.
  • The third stage of osteoarthritis is characterized by formacio of prolapses and emergencies. It can be accompanied by subluxation and/or development of the of the degenerative osteoarthritis of intervertebral joints. With movements certain you may feel stiffness and lack of mobility. In the extremities can cause tingling and numbness.
  • During the fourth stage of osteoarthritis of the body trying to correct the consequences of hypermobility (excessive mobility) vertebrae begins to adapt to the irregularities of the functionality of the spine and at the points of contact of the vertebrae begin to form osteophytes (new bone from the formacio), in order to improve the fixation of the vertebra.

But, unfortunately, in some cases due to osteophytes compressions and the more damage the vertebrae. As a result, in the intervertebral discs and the joints begins fibrous ankylosis.

The symptoms of degenerative disc disease

The early symptoms of osteoarthritis physical discomfort and physical and/or pain in the neck and back.

As s severe discomfort, and symptoms what are the additional that are manifested during the development of osteoarthritis depends on the stage of the disease, and in each case in particular.

Pathology of the intervertebrals the discs of the cervical and lumbar are much more common than dystrophic degenerative changes in the sternum.

The symptoms of osteoarthritis are:

  1. periodic or permanent feeling of fatigue again
  2. lightly pronounced or (depending on the stage of the disease pain in the neck, back, chest, shoulder girdle,
  3. tough movement limited to the upper limbs.

The clinical picture of degenerative disc disease is largely dependent on the location (location) of the disease, the degree of development of the process, the peculiarities of individuals of the patients.

Pathology of the intervertebral discs, displacement, bulge, herniated, and the growth of lead un osteophytes very different consequences.

Among the most common and the alteration the circulation of the normal blood in the tissues, the un has pinched nerve, dysfunction of the spinal canal, edema, fibrosis of tissues and structures.

These effects can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms, which leads to the difficulty of precise diagnosis of the disease.

The most common symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the following symptoms include:

  1. pain in the back, the neck and the lower back, a girdle the shoulder, the ribs,
  2. physical discomforts the physical and the rigidity of the body that occur with certain body positions: tilt swivel, increase of muscle tension,
  3. numbness of the upper and lower extremities and,
  4. muscle and joint physical discomfort, muscle spasms,
  5. headaches, dizziness, fatigue,
  6. pain in the region of the heart,
  7. the violation of the sensitivity of the hands
  8. muscle weakness.

Diagnosis of degenerative disc disease

Diagnosis By a specialist precise names of these methods to the examination of any other self independent instrumentals, such as:

  • the two rays of the sun two x of the spine,
  • if I need to myelography of the spine
  • neurological examination of the sensitivity and reflexes of the spine.

Additional methods that can be prescribed by a doctor, the diagnosis to the stage and pathological processes, s ' have been installed as accurately as possible are:

  • computed tomography of the spine
  • nuclear magnetic resonance,
  • the magnetic resonance imaging.

Possible complications

Sense, a special attention to treat the first symptoms of degenerative dysfunctions of the processes in the connective tissues of the spine. This body can have an impressive negative impact on the work of all internal organs. Imbalance of the Un the functions of the own will grow as an avalanche, and a man suddenly could be in a hospital bed. The decreased mobility of the spine, the violation of the speed of passage of signals and assimilation of nutrients in certain areas of the body lead to the development of the dysfunctions musculoskeletal system, the joints and ligaments.

Partial or complete destruction intervertebral ties leads to the development of numerous chronic diseases. Even a slight pain suddenly appeared and quickly disappeared, has been, a person of the un undergo thorough examination. This will help us in identifying the centers of origin of the disease and preventive means to prevent the development of the disease.

Don't pay attention to the first signals, and I may find more serious problems:

  • The onset acute prolonged pain in the head, migraine and dizziness.
  • Problems in the cervical spine a sudden can cause loss of vision.
  • Often the loss d and result in a hearing of the interruption of the top of the column.
  • The development of degenerative disc disease can cause dysfunction autonomic.
  • Problems in the lower part of the back to bring the united nations un strong aggravation of diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • The absence of adequate treatment of degenerative disc leading to chronic disease and radiculitis and sciatica.
  • possible complications theHeavy loads and lack of system of treatment of the cause of the herniated discs.
  • In front of The people of diseases such as lumbago, spondylosis, lumbodynia.
  • In the long term, the development of degenerative disc disease treatment sense qualified leads to a stenosis of the channel spinal, spondylosis, osteophytes.

It should be clearly understood that any irregularities in the spine will lead more to the development of chronic diseases of complex internal organs. Damage to the neurovascular bundles hinders the pace of the bodies interrupted the flow of the necessary amount of food and the elimination of toxins.

This negatively affects the entire body. Accumulate s in the interior of the tissues of the cell dl·lules cell dl damaged and toxins and stimulate the growth of malignant tumors. You may find yourself suddenly out of a health excel·quaresma suffered serious damage from a slight pain in lumbar region, back or neck.


In order to successfully treat osteochondrosis, I needed to conduct UN detailed examination and precise diagnosis. In the first place, the doctors carried out external examination of the patient, collect anamnesis of the disease, then the use of laboratory and instrumental methods of research.

There are 3 forms of treatment:

  • medication;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgical.

Great benefit in the treatment of osteoarthritis of bring a special diet, the observance of rest, and reduce to a minimum the loads on the spine. To the rest it is recommended to use a surface area of jade instead of soft mattress.

Conditions A home for the treatment of the disease, you can resort to the un the first two methods. I's convenient to combine them. To improve their actions can be introduced in the treatment of ways of folk.

However, the un self-medicate and highly undesirable. All the measures and procedures must be approved by a specialist. In the treatment of degenerative disc disease must follow certain rules in the use of certain methods.

In this case, if the provision of medical medical assistance did not produce results and the disease progresses, the prescribed treatment surgical. The surgical intervention is performed to stabilize the structure of the spine, intervertebral removal of the disc hernia fully affected or clubs.


Medical treatment of osteoarthritis should be comprehensive, to be aimed at the relief of pain elimination and the other pronounced symptoms. For this purpose, different groups of drugs:

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory. They are designed for the elimination of inflammatory processes and all kinds of pain. They also relieve the inflammation of the tissues.
  2. Sedative. Use s for the relief of the pain, but do not affect the pathological process.
  3. Muscle relaxants. Used to relieve muscle spasms in the spine, significantly contributes to decrease the pain. They act by blocking the receptors in the affected muscle fibers, resulting in a deterioration of the conduction of impulses to the spinal cord. The effect of these drugs and of short duration, but during this time, the muscle fibers have time to recover the normal and use work of work protective mechanisms against diseases and degenerative-dystrophic processes.
  4. Vitamins B, D, A, E, C, phosphorus and calcium containing drugs. In vitamins, minerals complex, I need to fill the body of substances that are involved in the formacio of bone and cartilage, metabolic processes.
  5. Chondroprotectors
  6. Vasodilator drug.

The un musculoskeletal pathologies doctors will recommend the use of has the effect of chondroprotectors cumulative and the impact on the human body, original works of art of a certain period of time, which helps to restore the intervertebral disc. These drugs, s used long period, up to 2-3 months. I chondroprotectors seriously tax the liver and the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, it should be combined with probiotics.

Physical therapy

physical therapy in osteochondrose

In the treatment of degenerative disc disease would be useful UN exercise (physical therapy). In diseases of the musculoskeletal system can have a beneficial impact moderate exercise. That stimulates the metabolism, restore the mobility of the spine and strengthen the muscle corset.

I Methodology of scheme gymnastics medical should choose the un doctor, because that can change, depending on which part of the spine exposed to the pathological process. Therefore, I desirable the classes that were held under the supervision of UN specialist. The Original Work of art to the development of the program of physical therapy can continue at home.

For example, when the diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis of the we recommend the following simple exercises:

  1. Tilt the head forward and push down on the front fabric fingers. The patient should avoid examine examine the pressure. The un similar exercise is then performed by acting on the part occipital, l the left and right of the temple, the.
  2. The pressure on the forehead with four fingers, as if the stretching of the skin 45 seconds. Work in different directions. This exercise is intended to restore the circulation of the blood.
  3. To sit in a chair or on the floor, keep your back straight and a little un little tilt the head back. Hands you must gently push the chin up and down. Original works of art make the tour head to the left and the right.
  4. Try to get a chin in the chest. In this place you need to cross the hands on the back of his head and press it. In a state of stress necessary to stay in 1 minute, and original works of art to follow the movement of the shoulders, lifting them, trying to touch the ears.


Chemotherapy gives the UN a good result, if we combine it with physiotherapy. For the condition of the vertebrae useful magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, ultrasonic therapy, etc. Some types of procedures that can be made to a house if you right purchase of portable devices. The beneficial effect of the mineral water and healing mud.

In the absence of contraindications, to massage the patient to visit the un chiropractic. In the treatment of osteoarthritis can be applied reflexology — the pressure points of the body. A house can be to perform the massage. There are destinations techniques to help eliminate the syndrome of pain and tone up the muscles:

  • stroking light of the region of the vertebral one or two hands;
  • kneading the muscles of tingling or a circular movement pressure smooth with the fingers;
  • the kneading of muscles with palms;
  • simple study of the trapeze muscles lower muscles;
  • I shook longitudinal coracoid, massaging gently;
  • rubbing the gaps between the ribs.

Folk remedies

To relieve the pain, you can use the tools for the popular recipes. The result of treatments based on herbs and other natural compounds appear only with its extended use.

Folk remedies are preferable in comparison with the consumption of drugs, because the latter during their long-term use can seriously affect the bowels, the liver and the pancreas. Therefore, alternative therapies and desirable original works of art used for the relief of acute pain drugs. - With the need of methods to gradually replace medication with the advice of a doctor.

You can mention some-you recipes:

  1. Honey and potatoes. You need to take a couple of potatoes, cut them in a grater, add the same amount of honey. The Components must be completely mixed, put in cheesecloth and use it as a compress on the area painful. Verification of the application in the need to adjust the un handkerchief and leave them in this position in 1 hour.
  2. Shit. Should take 1 and the sheet of steam of boiling water. You need to rotate the internal face of the area painful and apply it. The Tool must be secured firmly I wrap with a scarf. This procedure needs to be done at night and does not stop does not stop remove the bandage — only in the morning.
  3. Hot bottle. You need to take the UN plastic container, pour hot water, put on the sofa is done is done and put it on his back. Convenient to I try and move the bottle under the other. The procedure should be 30 minutes.
  4. Parsley. You have to eat for 30 days, and daily from 1 to the root of the plant.
  5. Buds of pine. S should pick up in the spring of the raw material. Length of pine buds should be 2 see the Need to wash them and dry. Raw materials need to grind and combine them with sugar in proportion 2:1, and mix well put in the refrigerator. The Tool will be ready in purchase UN rich tint of brown. The mixture should eat 1 teaspoon a day for 3 weeks.

S When you use folk remedies with care that you need to address the procedures with a warming effect. These actions can help you get rid of the pain and inflammation, but can cause damage. During periods of exacerbation any warming, as it causes vasodilation, resulting in edema in the pot more. In these situations, you must seek treatment to specialists. Osteochondrosis of the neck of the uterus is to heat prohibit the neck, because it can cause UN headache.

A cure possible osteochondrosis?

Many people who have a dystrophic lesion of the intervertebral discs are interested in the question: for a possible cure low back pain, and how to do it? The specialists of the leading clinics in the world try to say this disease if the disease is degenerative disk was detected at an early stage in the majority of cases, fully restore the functionality of the spine. If you are looking for the un-patient in a medical institution in stage 3 or 4 of the disease, doctors can only help to improve it, as you enter this phase of development, osteochondrosis causes formacio d bone spurs I change the shape of the spine. In these stages the to achieve the UN's positive result with only un possible UN surgical treatment.

Original works of art of this therapy, patients begin the periods of remission, that can expand on its own, if they comply with the recommendations of the doctors:

  • to avoid examine examine situations of stress;
  • I rationally correctly for food;
  • swimming and physical therapy;
  • to reduce the level of loads on the musculoskeletal system;
  • normalize sleep, etc.

Prevention of osteoarthritis

Everyone needs to take preventive measures, aimed at preventing diseases from these dangerous as osteochondrosis. In the first place you need a constant un monitoring of the posture, not only while driving, but sitting at the computer or watching the un's favorite tv series. And it is equally important to participate in physical exercise, which will help to strengthen the system to create the musculoskeletal and the un has muscular corset.

It is recommended to opt for a one night stay orthopedic mattresses and pillows that have been designed with the purpose of prevention of degenerative disc disease and other diseases spinal. In order not to the locomotor system, harming people should be very careful to carry I lift heavy objects.

The food diet (six times a day, divided into portions), which includes the perfectly balanced meals will help to normalize the functioning of many vital organs and systems of the human body. You should not consume the un drinks with a high content of "" of caffeine, alcoholic beverages, chocolate. Limited amounts of Ca you should consume protein-rich foods, especially liver, meat, legumes.

How to sleep an osteochondrosis?

During sleep, the person has to be in this position allows your muscles and diseases of the musculoskeletal system to relax completely. This and due to the fact that during periods as any other time, in a posture uncomfortable, un-is often the cause of development of osteoarthritis.

Minimize the load on the spine rest during the un, the un should observe the following rules:

  • Prohibit sleep Is on my stomach. During sleep, the person will relax and his head can be rotated or upturned. The result blood vessels arteries and peredelyvayut, disorders of blood flow to the brain, the cervical spine in tension, etc.
  • The best position for relaxation in a pose of "embryo" in which sleep and is recommended for patients with a diagnosis of osteochondrosis. The patient should be lying on the side, then knees bent to s should pull up to his chest.
  • In the arrangement of the bed, the patients must give their preference for twin beds with smooth base. The mattress to use a better orthotic.
  • The un has people with pad low back pain, use the un small to fit his head and shoulders remained on the mattress. Best buy un special orthopedic pillow.