The back pain and the spine in the neck

The reasons for the emergence of pain in the neck a lot. Conditionally they can be divided into associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and diseases of the internal organs. Some conditions require immediate attention and even surgical treatment.

Undisputed is the fact of its exceptional importance of the spine for the health and human life. It is for this reason that nature provides a protection from pain in the back triggered every time the spine or associated organs or tissues undergoing pathological processes. It is important to promptly and correctly respond to this type of signals in order to back and neck is not an obstacle to the normal rhythm of life.

The main reasons

The main reasons

Pain in the back and the neck occur due to many reasons. You need to understand that these symptoms are only an indicator of the disease. The majority of the people believe that the pain in the back or the neck are associated with impaired function of the muscles, bones or joints, which form a critical part of the body. Mostly this is true. However, there are a good number of arguments for refuting this assertion. You can divide reasons for a sore neck and back, in two groups.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The first includes the factors associated with difficulties in functioning of the musculoskeletal system of the back and neck:

  • myositis;
  • lumbago;
  • sciatica;
  • ishialgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • herniated discs;
  • the displacement of the intervertebral joints;
  • between the ribs neuralgia;
  • scoliosis;
  • kyphosis;
  • wrong distribution of the load physical;
  • injuries to the back and the neck.
Internal medicine

The second group includes the reasons related to the pathology of other organs and systems, when the pain extends to the nerve endings located in the region of the neck and the back:

  • the angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction;
  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys;
  • infectious disease;
  • diseases of the lung, pleura;
  • the presence of tumors in the back or neck.



The more discomfort a person experiences in the following, the code hurts the spine in the neck. This condition called cervicalgia. The neck is vulnerable due to the large number of functions assigned to it by nature. Is the neck, through muscle and vertebrae, to provide the necessary mobility of the head. On the inside of the neck are the esophagus, the trachea, the major blood and lymphatic vessels.

Pain in the neck often occur in the column on the left or the right. The most likely cause of cervicalgia is a spasm of the muscle fibres. This is because of the hypothermia (draught, cold and air conditioning), injuries, a longer stay in the same position (at the computer, while sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow), quick turn of the head or the improper loading. When the inflammation of the muscle man in a lot of pain, which may spread to the arm or shoulder. The muscle fibers swell, the pressure on the nerve fibers that happens within the muscles, causing the pain becomes more intense.

Cervical radiculitis

Very similar symptoms has cervical radiculitis arising from lesions of the spinal roots. The pain can irradiate (give) in the course of the nerve fibres, accompanied by weakness in the arms, stiffness in the neck. It appears the neck sciatica is less common than lumbar. A disease occurs due to an injury, degenerative processes of the spine, the presence of outgrowths on the bones and tumors in the nerve roots.


Pain in the neck and back can also be associated with degenerative changes of the spine: osteochondrosis, and osteoarthritis. Prolonged pain, dull in nature associated with the dysfunction of the cartilage of the vertebrae, which thicken and then start to put pressure on the nerve roots. Osteochondrosis causes the circulation of the blood to the brain, there is pain in the chest, arms and back.

Between the vertebrae hernia

The reason for the pain in the spine in the cervical area, it could be a herniated disc. This abnormality disrupts the normal functioning of the nerve, decreases the sensitivity, the activity and efficiency of muscle fibers. In the case of the spinal cord damage occurs numbness of the limbs, distorted the function of the organs pelvic.

Enlarged lymph nodes of the neck, presence of tumors lead to the appearance of the pain syndrome of different intensity. This is due to circulatory problems individual tissues as well as the pressure on the nerve endings.

Dangerous symptoms

Dangerous symptoms

When a sore neck and back, man tries different ways to deal with the problem. To justify this kind of behavior is possible, because the syndrome of the pain is very intense and comes on suddenly. However, you must pay attention to the warning signs that should attract the attention of the real threat to the life of the patient and immediately seek medical help:

  • muscle pain is accompanied by a high temperature in the absence of symptoms of the common cold or SARS;
  • pain located in the neck, the shoulders, the chest, and accompanied by shortness of breath;
  • the pain is accompanied by numbness of one or both ends, a weakening of their muscular strength;
  • back pain or neck has a character acute, accompanied by spasms, increases when you cough or sneeze;
  • acute back pain is accompanied by pain in the chest and irradiate under the shoulder blade;
  • acute pain in the neck or back occurs in children or pregnant women.

Prevention and treatment

As a general rule, pain in the neck and back occur in the context of a sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, stress, improper distribution of the intensity of the physical activity. All of these elements contribute to the onset of degenerative diseases or traumatic factors that violate the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

You must follow the rules for the lifting and movement of heavy objects, avoid sudden movements to strengthen the muscles through sport and physical activity. An important factor in the prevention of diseases of the spine is to combat excess weight to reduce the load on the neck and back. However, the food should be rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals.

The use of almost all medications for pain in the neck and back must be in accordance with your doctor. The appointment of therapy should be carried out after determining the diagnosis of the disease. It is not recommended to do massage, moxibustion, or massage ointments. This type of event if you do not aggravate the patient's condition, which may distort the clinical picture, complicate the diagnosis.

Most often for the treatment of pain in the neck and back specialists recommend steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets, capsules, creams, ointments or injections. Popular are medications, which include Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Voltaren, Ketoprofen, Meloxicam. Effective proven to plasters containing active anti-inflammatory agents: Dolobene, Dorsaplast, Versatis.

You should know that the treatment of conditions that involve pain in the back and neck, must be comprehensive and aimed at addressing the causes of the disease. Amateur approach to the treatment of the pain syndrome of the back and neck, is unacceptable.