That back pain? How to treat and what can hurt

For back pain complain about 85% of the people. The correct way to treat it and is it possible to get rid of the pain once and for all?

The back pain? You're not alone! Sociological studies show that back pain is the second after a viral infections cause of disability in the adult population. Was born with us (according to the neonatologists, 80-90% of children with the birth injury of the spine) and sooner or later catches up with everyone. It is believed that this is the recovery of the investment for walking upright. As human growth, the load on the spine increases, the existing problems of the spine and more strong, tension, anxiety, obesity, overload, sedentary lifestyle aggravate the existing problems and back pain can occur even at an early age.

back pain

That is the pain?

The vast majority (around 95%) the pain associated with the muscles, ligaments and joints. To the people that is called to pull back. These pains are unpleasant, but not dangerous, and in most cases pass on their own in 2-3 days.

3-4% of the pain associated with radiculopathy (sciatica) is a lesion of the cord and the nerve roots. Damaged usually a hernia. The pain disappears when the swelling is arising due to the compression.

1-2% of back pain caused by injury or inflammatory diseases of the spine, oncological processes, diseases of the cardiovascular system or the gastrointestinal tract, in which the pain can go to the back. This is the most dangerous kind of back pain. To eliminate this disease, do consult your doctor.

We must not tarry

The main indication that you need medical assistance, – the regularity of the pain. If you squeeze the moment – most likely it is nothing serious. If the pain is mild or moderate intensity, is pursuing you relentlessly, we must not tarry. You should immediately contact your doctor if the pain is accompanied by the increase of the temperature or the pain syndrome is growing on the background of treatment.

My pain, let me! Why back pain with young people Read more

At home

The most effective means of oral anti-inflammatory drugs. Just don't overdo it – they are safe, only the first time. The extended use of these drugs can cause ulcers and bleeding in the mucosa of the stomach. Traditional home-treatment – non-steroidal ointment – can be applied only as additional measures. They are harmless, but ineffective. Gives relief and bring a corset – fixation unloads the spine, relieves spasms and restricts sudden movements. Only corset to be normal – elastic, not warming.

If the treatment has no effect on the period of three days, you should contact the doctor who will do the blocking of the anti-inflammatory injections. Due to relieve spasms and relax muscles, the pain disappears immediately and often permanently.


Bath and massage services are strictly prohibited. That increase inflammation and the pain.

To contact chiropractic ads in the newspaper. Chiropractic is an area where each expert has three hundred charlatans. If you really want to find a good doctor, you must inform the certificate clinics, staffed by certified specialists.

It is important to define the tactics of treatment. This must be done by the neurologist or neurosurgeon. To try again dangerous. 30% of the patients of the neurosurgery Department to try at home treatments and this has led himself to hospital beds.

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To cut or not?

More recently, someone diagnosed with a "herniated", and immediately gave meaning to the operation. Today the surgery is carried out only when indicated:

  • persistent pain, not to eliminate any of the pills;
  • disorder gynecological functions incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • the weakness and numbness of the leg.

All these symptoms make the surgery inevitable, because without it the patient may become disabled.

The risks

The risk of the surgery, where it can be postponed or rejected in General, many patients considered to be very exaggerated. In neurosurgery, there is the technology to calculate accurately the effectiveness of the operation, and that the symptoms are, then they disappeared and which remain.

The probability of recurrence of the pain after the surgery does not exceed 1-1,5%. Hernias in other areas can really appear, but this is not a complication and the spread of the disease, which often occurs in the young rebel patients. As soon as the pain disappears, they return to normal life: driving, resume the training. And to do it categorically it is impossible.

The fault of low back pain?

Low back pain – a chronic degenerative change in the space intervertebral. Signs of osteochondrosis have all the people over the age of 25 years. To prevent osteochondrosis impossible, but you can protect yourself from its complications, which are the cause of back pain.