The causes of back pain in the lumbar region

Back pain in the lumbar region is very common pain syndrome, which occurs in several pathologies, such as the spine and the internal organs, or systemic diseases.


Could be, above the waist, then, to be more to the right or to the left, and often this type of pain happens in pregnancy, as late as, and in the early stages. If the pain is very acute, accompanied by fever, weakness, you should call an ambulance.

While not severe pain, without fever to be able to understand the reasons for their existence, should be directed to the therapist, that on the basis of the anamnesis, complaints of the patient will be directed to professionals such as an osteopath, neurologist, urologist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, surgeon, or pulmonologist. The final diagnosis is by doctors on the basis of the magnetic RESONANCE imaging, ultrasound, and other diagnostic tests and methods.

The main reasons for lower back pain

The most obvious cause of pain in the low back is lumbago and sciatica that is caused by an injury of the lumbar spine, degenerative disc disease, as well as the more serious pathologies in the spine or intervertebral emergencies herniarum. This pain can occur when nerve irritation of the spine, the pinched nerve roots, irritation of the ligaments and muscles, with your inflammation, as well as diseases of the internal organs, the pain may radiate to the lower back.

In the clinical practice of 60-30% of the urban population in the developed countries, there are periodically recurring back pain, among them, 80% of the time people complain that the back pain in the lower back. All age groups are susceptible to violations of the side of the spine, but in the majority of cases, these diseases disturb the patients aged 30 to 60 years. In 66% of cases of lower back pain caused by degenerative disc disease, is affected when one of the roots of the 1st sacral, 4, 5 vertebra lumbar is called monoarticular syndrome. If affects the right of the spine 2 what happens in 33% of patients is viridicornis syndrome if 3, then triadically syndrome, which is much more rare.

Because the causes of back pain is not always pain, it is possible to spend several serious provocation tests, which will help to understand if the pain of the spine, or signs of other diseases, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, inflammation of the uterus, prostate disease, problems with the intestines or the lungs. - Evidence of lumbosacral degenerative disc disease that are called by the names of the doctors who suggested their use as a preliminary diagnostic:

  • Symptom Dejerine — with the tension of the abdominal muscles, if you listen to it at the bottom of the back, pain increases, and therefore, a high probability of its incidence is lower back pain.
  • Symptom Neri — if with a strong tilt forward to touch the chest feels the pain — that could also be because of the spine.
  • The symptom is a symptom — if after alternately raise first one leg, then the second, lying on her back, grabbed her waist and the pain irradiáta in the leg along the sciatic nerve, is also a problem of the spine.
  • Symptom Larrea — if the pain appear in the course of the sciatic nerve after lying position on the back, try to lift the torso forward without bending the knees, then have to sit with the legs extended, is also derived from the degenerative disc disease.

Back pain is a nonspecific symptom that can be caused by many different reasons. What is the intensity of back pain in the lumbar region, which is permanent or recurrent, primary or secondary, can be the reasons that cause:

Acute pain
  • Output of intervertebral discs in the lumbar region
  • Osteochondrosis of the spine
  • Acute disc herniation
  • Spondylitis
  • Pathology of the hip joint
  • Epiduritis cord
  • Acute tension, vertebral fractures
  • Lumbago, sciatica
  • Acute, disorders of the spinal blood circulation — stroke
  • Intestinal obstruction, atypical for appendicitis acute
  • Urolithiasis
  • Acute pyelonephritis
Chronic pain
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Spondylosis deformans
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Metabolic bone disease — osteomalacia, osteoporosis
  • The primary Tumor and metastatic spinal tumors, vertebral, retroperitoneal spaces.
  • Growing pains — scoliosis
  • Infectious lesions of the intervertebral discs and the vertebrae (abscess epidural, spinal tuberculosis, brucellosis)
  • Non-infectious inflammatory diseases — rheumatoid arthritis, syndrome of Reiter, ankylosing spondylitis
  • Tumors of the kidney
  • Atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta and its branches
Radiating pain in some diseases of internal organs
  • Diseases of the stomach, pancreas, duodenum, gallbladder
  • Diseases of the organs pelvic. In women — inflammatory processes of the uterus appendages, endometriosis, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, You are (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis, etc.) men — prostatitis, prostate cancer
  • Kidney disease — renal colic, kidney stones
  • Intestinal disease — inflammation of the diverticulum, ulcerative colitis, tumors and intestinal
  • Frustrating aortic aneurysm

Pain above the waist


If the back pain right side above the waist - that may radiate to the liver pain under any pathological changes in the liver, hepatitis, liver failure, the administration of toxic drugs. The pain is most often localized in the right hypochondrium. If the pain is felt to the right or to the left, just above the waist, it is very possible that the reason lies in the acute renal disease. A chronic kidney disease, such as polycystic, neoplasm malignant of renal function, chronic pyelonephritis accompanied low symptoms, because the capsule kidney is stretched slowly.

Edema during acute pyelonephritis, and also with the blocking of the ureter the pain is more intense, but dull, pain in the nature. And the pain is constant, sometimes radiating to the navel area, lower abdomen, and pain in the upper quadrant the left or the right, depending on the patient's kidneys. Also in the chronic kidney disease, certain medications that contributes to this kind of pain. Increase the burden on the kidneys, as a filter, when the toxic action of certain drugs can cause pain, which disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

Why back pain lumbar lower

When back pain below the waist, except for the obvious diseases of the spine (sciatica, lumbago, herniated disc, ankylosing spondylitis, etc.), potential causes include recurrent pain during menstruation in women, the diseases of the female genital organs such as inflammation of the uterine appendages - oophoritis, oophoritis (adnexitis) and diseases of the pelvis, peritoneum, intestine, inflammation of the Appendix (the Appendix of the intestine cec), in men and disease of the prostate, bladder.

Back pain right or to the left

If the pain appear simultaneously to the right and to the left lower back can also be symptoms of pyelonephritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, inflammation of the uterus or the prostate, pneumonia or pleurisy. When radiating pain in the flanks may be due to obstruction of the bowel, atypical course of appendicitis. Back pain, to the right or to the left are the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the spine

Acquired diseases include, tumors, degenerative diseases pathology, such as spondylosis, spondylosis, inflammation of the osteomyelitis, spondylitis, and injury-traumatic, herniated disc, lumbago, sciatica. Among the disorders, congenital assigned sacralization, spondylosis, lucido, spondylolisthesis.

  • Diseases of internal organs

In inflammatory diseases of the organs pelvic - parametral tissue, bladder, prostate, uterus and its annexes. In pathological processes in the abdominal organs, intestines, kidneys.

  • Diseases of the nervous system in the lumbosacral

When root compression, nervous posts in various neurological diseases, hysteria, neurasthenia, neuritis, neuralgias, sciatica, in violation of metabolism, gout, diabetes, malformations of the nervous system.

Pain when pinching the sciatic nerve and lumbago

When the inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve in sciatica, back pain in the lower part of the back can be very diverse. It is like a burning sensation, back pain, and tingling, with numbness or tingling may be mild, or short or long. The sciatic nerve is the most powerful, the nerve throughout the human body and is manifested only on one side of the body, as a general rule, women right, men left.

There is a theory why there is this difference, the pattern of the inflammation of the sciatic nerve in the men and women about this you have to know in our article, the symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve. This type of pain in the buttocks and the posterior part of the surface of a leg is usually worse when you change the position of the body, particularly sensitive spot behind the knee and in the area of bony bumps at the bottom of the buttocks, also people can find themselves in the muscles of the calf or posterior surface of the femur painful nodules that, when he touched particularly sensitive.

Lumbago is a disease which is popularly called sciatica, pain in this I know not by hearsay. This sudden cross that appears in the background of the physical activity with hypothermia, working in a draught or in a prolonged awkward position, with a strong movement.

Paroxysmal pain in the lower back causes a person to take a forced situation in which the pain softens this pain syndrome is delayed for at least a week, pain killers, tepidus tools and massage usually help to cope with the disease. Even after an attack at the same time of the disease should consult a doctor, because that is a warning of the presence of pathological changes in the lumbosacral spine.